4 Ways to Start Addressing Your High-Functioning Anxiety
Perhaps you've taken stock and recognized that—alright, alright—maybe there is a little something going on that doesn't feel quite so great. Maybe even just that you'd prefer not to have to massage your jaw every 15 minutes…
Overwhelmed By Holiday Expectations? Here’s How To Deal
Do you feel overwhelmed by other people’s expectations for the holidays? Or guilty that you can’t fulfill them all? An anxiety therapist in NYC offers her advice.
Is Couples Therapy Worth It? Well, It Depends
Couples therapy requires a significant financial investment. It also takes up a substantial amount of time, even if you take advantage of the convenience of online couples’ therapy. Given the investment involved, people rightly wonder: “Is couples’ therapy worth it?”…
Is Setting Boundaries Selfish? Or Is It Healthy?
Healthy boundaries protect us from people and situations that intrude upon our needs and values. Boundaries are essential in romantic relationships, but setting boundaries at work, with parents, and with friends is also important…
How To Set Boundaries: Steps And Examples
Have you noticed a troubling lack of boundaries in your life? You may be wondering how to set personal boundaries in a romantic relationship, with family, or at work. Regardless of your situation, setting boundaries generally involves four key steps…
Avoidant Attachment Style: Common Pitfalls That Reveal the Issue
Have you ever been accused of being emotionally distant or afraid of commitment? You might have an avoidant attachment style. Learn more about the signs that indicate you may operate from this attachment style.
Caught in a Pattern of Anxious-Ambivalent Attachment? – 4 Common Indicators
If you feel like you’re stuck repeating the same type of relationship over and over again, then perhaps you repeatedly pick the same type of partner because of your attachment pattern. One of the most common attachment patterns is the anxious/ambivalent type.
The Role Ambition Plays in Dating and Relationships: 3 Areas to Analyze
You can and should be ambitious about the things that you want in life but what, if any, role does ambition play in dating and relationships?
Understanding Latinx Stigma Around Therapy / Comprender El Estigma Del Latinx En Torno A La Terapia
If you broke your arm, would you go to the hospital? If you had a chronic illness, would you work with your doctor to help you manage it? Most people don’t hesitate to accept professional help for physical conditions. Yet when it comes to psychological health, many people…
Ask the Expert: A Fertility Specialist’s Take on Anxiety in NYC
Many of the patients I work with in NYC are powerful, dynamic, successful women (and men) in their 30s and early 40s whose focus has been career-building and who have significant anxiety about whether and when they will have an opportunity to have a family of their own, or whether they even want to at all. There are just so many factors to consider…
The Emotional Pain of Infertility: How Can You Cope with Insensitive Comments?
The emotional pain of infertility can be almost unbearable. And being a strong, capable woman doesn’t make you invulnerable to that pain. On top of all of the other reasons it's painful, you have to deal…
Anxiety 101: Everything You Need to Know About Anxiety in NYC
Anxiety is a complex emotional and physiological response that arises in anticipation of a perceived threat or danger. It is a normal and adaptive part of the human experience, often referred to as the "fight or flight" response.
Common Causes Of Anxiety At The Start Of A Relationship
If you’ve been dealing with new relationship anxiety, there must be a reason—even if you’re not consciously aware of it. Anxiety doesn’t come out of nowhere. It’s a signal from your body that there is some kind of threat up ahead…