Couples Therapy
Are You Ready To Try Couples’ Therapy?
Our couples’ therapists have training in a variety of evidence-based techniques including sex therapy and are ready to provide the highest level of care. Our New York City psychotherapy practice welcomes all couples regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or relationship status (married vs. unmarried). Our online therapy services allow you to attend marriage counseling sessions from anywhere in New York state. Here’s how to start working toward greater satisfaction and intimacy in your relationship:
Are you looking for more out of your relationship? Seemingly trivial things—like whose turn it is to take out the trash—might lead to heated arguments. Or maybe you disagree on a critical issue such as whether to get married, start a family, or move to a new city. Despite your repeated efforts to resolve your problems, your relationship is at an impasse.
Have you and your partner been neglecting your relationship? Professional obligations and personal responsibilities may have forced your relationship to the back burner. Whenever you’ve tried to address relationship issues, it’s only resulted in anger and hurt feelings. So you’ve shut down and drawn away from each other. Like ships in the night—you never slow down long enough to truly connect.
Do you feel alone in your relationship? A lack of communication, trust, or physical intimacy might make you wonder if the relationship is even worth the effort. You also worry that stirring up painful issues would only make things worse. So you hesitate to bring up the problems that have been eating at you, making you feel stuck.
There is a cultural delusion that you can live conflict-free and achieve your own personal “happily ever after” if you find “the one” you’re destined to spend your life with. Hollywood has seduced us into thinking this magical person will intuitively and effortlessly satisfy all of our needs.
The relationships we observe in our daily lives sometimes seem to confirm this misconception. We see beautiful, happy-looking couples on social media, talk to them at social gatherings, and receive their wedding invitations and birth announcements. When our own relationships fail to measure up, we wonder what’s wrong with us.
The reality is that no couple is totally happy 100% of the time, and any fulfilling relationship takes work. Partners often approach relationships very differently and have conflicting needs, so there will always be conflict—even if it’s invisible to others. Most people don’t broadcast their relationship problems to the world. Some even put on a really good show of seeming happy in public, but their private lives reveal the truth: that no relationship is immune to skirmishes and struggles.
Part of the reason relationships are so problematic is that most of us were never taught what a healthy relationship actually looks like or how to achieve it. Without realizing how we’re sabotaging ourselves, we make the same mistakes again and again (as does our partner). As a result, we end up feeling stuck in unfulfilling relationships and marriages. Only by learning more about ourselves and our partners can we begin to make positive changes.
Many romantic couples, both married and unmarried, have come to us for help resolving big issues. As couples therapists, we helped them identify relationship deal-breakers and navigate divisive issues.
Addressing key issues is an essential part of therapy, but there are often a lot of strong emotions and resentment built up behind big topics. To avoid an adversarial environment, we won’t have you deep dive into significant issues during your first session. Instead, your therapist will encourage you to explore smaller, less consequential subjects first. That will allow you and your partner (and your therapist!) to learn more about each other without being triggered by hot-button issues.
Even if your primary goal is to resolve a single, divisive issue, you’ll learn in therapy that most relationship problems are not as simple as they first seem. There are often a variety of underlying contributors and nuances worth exploring. By uncovering them, you can move away from black-and-white thinking and reveal potential compromises you might have previously overlooked.
Couples therapy can help you recognize assumptions and communication blunders that may be sabotaging your relationship. For example, you might assume your husband understands your needs, making you feel resentful when he fails to meet them. Meanwhile, he may be trying his best to please you in other ways, not realizing that your needs are much different than his.
Learning about your differing needs, attachment styles, and love languages during marriage counseling can help you navigate conflicts more peaceably. As communication and understanding between you improve, you’ll find it easier to appreciate the effort your partner is already making. The therapeutic process will also make it easier for you to direct your relationship efforts where they will be most appreciated.
Couples therapy can prepare you and your partner for whatever life throws at you. Regardless of your personal differences or life challenges, your marriage or partnership can serve as a foundation for resilience. As your bond grows stronger, you may even realize that your relationship can survive situations and differences that previously seemed intolerable.
On the other hand, you might ultimately decide to part ways. Even if therapy doesn’t save your relationship, it can help you make the difficult decision to separate with greater clarity. It can also teach you how to take some of the pain out of the uncoupling process.
As you consider couples therapy or marriage counseling in New York City, you may wonder…
Will you take my partner’s side?
A good therapist is profoundly interested in both partners’ experiences. Anyone who comes to couples’ therapy thinking they will dominate the conversation or have the therapist “fix” their partner will soon learn that they must also take responsibility for their role in relationship problems.
Therapy will uncover opportunities for you to learn and grow. It will do the same for your partner. It’s not about determining who is right or wrong. It’s about finding common ground, reducing distress for both partners, and focusing on that which can draw you closer together.
Will our couples therapist tell us we should break up (or stay together)?
Some people worry their therapist will determine that their relationship or marriage is doomed and pressure them to separate. On the contrary, no good therapist should ever impose their personal opinion onto their patients’ relationship.
Maybe your most pressing question at the moment is, “Should I stay with my partner?” If so, you should know that your therapist can’t answer that for you. What your therapist can do is help you understand your own needs, goals, and feelings, empowering you to come to your own conclusion. Once you do, they will support both you and your partner—regardless of your decision.
How can I convince my partner to come in for couples therapy/marriage counseling?
If your partner is reluctant to schedule a session, you might instead encourage them to join you and one of our therapists for a brief phone consultation. Your therapist will address questions or concerns they may have.
If your partner isn’t open to therapy, you will have to make a decision: Are you willing to work on the relationship on your own, without their participation? If so, you might consider individual relationship therapy. You might be surprised by how much progress you can make even without your partner there.
Looking for More Resources & Support?
Check out our blogs about relationships, dating, and couples therapy.
Other Therapy Services at The Keely Group
Our therapy practice based in New York City offers many mental health services for busy people on the go. Plus, with online therapy in New York, our therapists can help you improve your mental health in the most time-effective manner. We have both couples’ therapists & individual providers with a wide range of specialties. For example, our therapists provide anxiety treatment, counseling for parents and fertility counseling. Furthermore, we can also help you reach your professional goals with executive coaching or therapy for creatives. Additionally, we offer Latinx therapy, provided by our skilled Latinx therapists. Regardless of your specific need, our team of mental health counselors & therapists will be here for you and help you to grow to be the best version of yourself. Get started today!