The Pros And Cons Of Virtual Marriage In NYC
Virtual marriage is trending in NYC. Lots of people are getting married online, and it’s easy to see why. Virtual ceremonies are far cheaper and easier to plan, and they eliminate a lot of drama. As much as we love the idea, virtual marriage isn’t for everyone…
5 Tips For Artists And Entertainers Facing Uncertainty
As therapists for artists, actors, and musicians, we are often asked how to deal with uncertainty about the future. That's not surprising considering the lack of stability and competitive nature of gig-based work. Artists often doubt whether their works will be well-received…
What if Couples Therapy Ultimately Leads to Divorce?
As couples’ therapists, we sometimes work with parents who worry about how a separation would affect their children. Fearful that a divorce would somehow ruin their children’s lives, they agonize over whether they should stay together for the sake of their kids. There’s no easy answer…
A Simple Way To Avoid Arguments With Your Partner
As relationship therapists, we often see this scenario: One partner brings up a problem, hoping to resolve it. The other partner interprets that as a personal attack…
Is It Okay To Date Older/Younger Men? A Therapist Weighs In
If there’s a new man in your life, you may be wondering whether he’s “the one”—or whether you’ll just end up getting hurt. You might also wonder whether friends and family will like him and whether he can help you accomplish your relationship goals…
Is Executive Therapy Worth It? 10 Potential Benefits of Therapy for Executives
If you’ve never experienced professional therapy before, you may be wondering, “Is executive counseling worth it?” Working with a knowledgeable therapist can provide many benefits…
Busy Professionals: Here’s How To Destress After Work
During our work as therapists and executive coaches, we’ve helped many entrepreneurs, executives, and busy professionals cope with work-related anxiety. One of the most common questions these individuals ask is how to de-stress and unwind after a long day of work…
Back-To-Work Anxiety And Other Post-Pandemic Struggles
Vaccines and loosening restrictions offer hope of a return to normalcy. At the same time, it’s clear that life post-COVID will never be the same…
5 Tips For New Yorkers Working From Home With Children
You may feel overwhelmed, anxious, ineffective, and burned out all at the same time. While your job used to give you a feeling of mastery and purpose, you've started to feel like an imposter…
Dealing With Relationship Conflict From Infertility
One in eight couples struggles to conceive, but that still means most people have no idea what infertility feels like…
Dating Apps: Worth It Or A Waste Of Time During A Pandemic?
According to Fortune magazine, the use of dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid has surged during the pandemic. It’s easy to imagine why people would look for ways to curb the loneliness that has run rampant during the pandemic; the social isolation that…
Why You’re Burning Out Working From Home (And How To Fix It)
Have you been working from home a lot lately? If you’re like many New Yorkers, you’ve been working remotely since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Since then, perhaps you’ve come to appreciate the many benefits that remote work provides. At the same time, you may have discovered remote work’s tendency to erode…
What Is Secure Attachment? Debunking 5 Common Myths
Attachment styles are a hot topic and for good reason. A person’s attachment style—developed in childhood—can affect everything from how they communicate to what qualities they look for…
How To Overcome Loneliness During The Pandemic
When COVID-19 appeared in the spring of 2020, many people hoped it would be over in a few months. Few relished the idea of shutting themselves up into apartments and putting their social lives…
What Are Clear Indications of Secure Attachment in Adult Relationships?
You’ve started dating someone new and you’re feeling pretty hopeful! What are some of the dynamics to keep an eye out for that indicate your new potential partner has the capacity for developing a securely attached relationship?
How to Cope With Everyone Else’s Fertility When Yours Is in Question
Are photos of ultrasounds filling your news feed? Is there another pregnant person everywhere you look? Coping with the fertility of others can be profoundly painful when navigating infertility of your own.
Disorganized Attachment Style: Common Pitfalls That Reveal the Problem
Early childhood relationships can impact our way of experiencing all relationships thereafter. If you notice yourself going hot and cold in relationships, even when your partner is consistent, you may have developed a disorganized attachment.
The 4 Attachment Types and How They Impact Your Relationships
Have you ever felt like you’re repeating the same relationship over and over again? Don’t worry, you aren’t doomed to repeat the past forever but change starts with an understanding of what your attachment style is and how it impacts your relationships.
Are You Bringing More to the Table Than Your Date? – 5 Clues That You’re Dating “Down”
You are a smart, successful person. Therefore, you shouldn’t sell yourself short when it comes to dating. How can you strike the right balance between non-judgmental dating and settling by “dating down”?
Career-Life Balance: What to Do About Dating When It Feels Like Your Work Is Your Primary Relationship
You devote a lot of time and energy to your career. In fact, it feels like your career is your primary partner in life. It gets your attention, passion, and commitment. There’s nothing wrong with that but how do you also make time for a love life with another human when you are so focused on your career?